Friday, May 30, 2008

"Kerana Perempuan Melayu"...

Hampir 100 pelajar di sebuah kolej di Mantin merusuh, gara-gara hendak “menyelamatkan” cinta seorang gadis Melayu dengan seorang pelajar Afrika. Menurut siasatan polis Negeri Sembilan, beberapa pelajar Melayu dan penduduk sekitar kolej yang tidak senang dengan hubungan tersebut menyerang lelaki Afrika itu. Serangan sekumpulan 20 hingga 30 lelaki Melayu menyebabkan dua lagi rakan mangsa, juga dari Afrika, turut mengalami kecederaan. "Seorang daripadanya dilaporkan parah selepas patah bahagian tangan, manakala dua lagi pelajar berkenaan dibenarkan pulang selepas dirawat sebagai pesakit luar di Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar," kata ketua polis negeri Datuk Osman Salleh.

Menurut polis, kedua-dua pihak bersenjatakan kayu dan kejadian itu dikelaskan sebagai merusuh. Mereka disiasat bawah Seksyen 148 Kanun Keseksaan. Bagaimanapun tiada tangkapan dibuat setakat ini. Menurut akhbar itu lagi, hampir 50 pelajar Afrika berkumpul di hadapan flat kediaman mereka di sebuah taman perumahan di Mantin sambil memegang beberapa batang kayu besbol dan besi. Mereka menjerit meluahkan rasa tidak puas hati apabila rakan-rakan mereka dibelasah sekumpulan lelaki Melayu. Sukarnya nak selesaikan masalah cinta hingga terjadi hal sebegini...

“Cina Buta Tidak Sah”

Bagi pasangan yang sudah berkahwin, atau teruna dan dara yang advance dari segi ilmu rumah tangga, pasti mereka mengetahui maksud “Cina Buta”.Mungkin boleh diringkaskan sedikit di sini “Cina Buta” bermaksud suami yang hendak mengahwini semula bekas isteri yang telah diceraikan dengan lafaz talak tiga, tetapi tidak rela membenarkan isterinya disetubuhi oleh suami kedua bekas isteri sebab atas alasan masih cinta. Untuk atasi masalah tersebut maka wujudlah istilah “Cina Buta”

Ingin saya berkongsi di sini bahawa menurut Prof Madya Dr. Hafidzi Mohd Noor dari JIM, konsep “Cina Buta” tidak sah sebab dalam konteks tersebut, sama ada disukai atau tidak seorang suami yang mahu menerima isterinya semula selepas lafaz talak tiga, dia mesti reda bahawa isterinya disetubuhi oleh suami kedua bekas isterinya jika suami ingin kembali dengan bekas isterinya, selepas talak tiga dilafazkan. Hal ini adalah berdasarkan konsep “the marriage is consumed”.

Justeru, ingatan kepada kaum lelaki yang bergelar suami, maka hati-hatilah dengan perkataan yang keluar daripada mulut anda. Kerana mulut, satu badan binasa.

Apa ada pada Ezam?

Mohamad Ezam Mohd. Nor, secara tiba-tba menjadi fokus utama media arus perdana beberapa hari yang lalu hanya kerana menyertai semula parti UMNO. Pada saya dan semua yang mengikuti perkembangan politik Malaysia, pastinya mengenali Ezam, yang pernah muncul bersama bekas pemimpin Reformasi, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Tidak keterlaluan jika dikatakan Ezam dikenali sebab dia pernah bekerjasama dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Sekadar luahan daripada saya, bukan bermaksud membenci sesiapa, rasanya tak perlulah media arus perdana menyiarkan secara "besar-besaran" berita mengenai kemasukan semula Ezam ke dalam UMNO. Sebabnya banyak lagi isu yang seharusnya media perdana tonjolkan. Lainlah jika Ezam adalah bekas Presiden Amerika Syarikat. Atau tidak pun, Ezam adalah super hero umpama Spiderman atau Ultraman, yang mampu mengatasi apa jua masalah.

Ezam tak bersalah dalam perkara ini. Yang meloyakan ialah paparan tanpa henti media arus perdana berhubung isu tersebut. Sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang menjunjung Rukun Negara, saya mengharapkan dengan kemasukan Ezam semula ke dalam UMNO dapat memberi faedah kepada rakyat Malaysia keseluruhannya.

Gambar ehsan

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Berhati-Hati Di Alam Cyber

Hari ni saya santai di Starbuck sambil melayari Internet dengan maksud mudah-mudahan mendapat idea untuk menulis tugasan. Lain yang ditunggu, ilham lain yang muncul. Isu yang saya nak beritahu kali ini ini ialah gelagat perempuan Melayu kita yang suka dan sering mletakkan gambar peribadi mereka di alam maya. Pada saya perbuatan mereka tidak salah, cuma yang salahnya ialah segelintir pengguna, lelaki khususnya, yang ambil mudah gunakan gambar orang lain dan masukkan ke dalam laman You Tube. Kemudian letakkan tajuk yang menjadi tarikan kepada kaum lelaki. Jika gambar beramai-ramai mungkin sukar untuk bertindak demikian. Yang kerap menjadi mangsa ialah yang meletakkan gambar peribadi seorang diri khususnya yang close-up.

Dalam perbualan maya dengan beberapa orang yang kebetulan dalam talian, rata-rata mereka memberitahu mereka terlupa akan bahaya dalam alam maya ini, terutamanya yang berkaitan gambar peribadi. Justeru, beringatlah sebelum lupa. Jangan beranggapan jumlah penduduk dunia yang banyak serta pengguna internet yang banyak di muka bumi ini akan menyebabkan orang tidak akan mengenali kita. Saya teringat kisah seorang gadis yang dipaparkan dalam akhbar sensasi sebelum ini. Nak dijadikan cerita sehari sebelum akad nikah, rakaman video gadis tersebut bersama bekas kekasihnya di temui di dalam You Tube oleh saudara di sebelah lelaki, dan menggunakan alasan itu keluarga pihak lelaki membatalkan perkawinan anak mereka, serta merta.

Bakal pengantin lelaki yang ditanya kenapa tidak meneruskan perkawinan tersebut menjawap kepada wartawan, jika seorang perempuan dan seorang lelaki telah berada bersama-sama di dalam bilik, apalah lagi yang mereka akan lakukan. Tepuk dada tanya selera. Jadi, waspadalah selalu, khususnya kepada sesiapa sahaja yang bergelar manusia.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pulau Batu Puteh awarding to Singapore

Malaysia's Foreign Minister Rais Yatim, left, shakes hands with Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister Jayakumar, right, while Singapore's ambassador-at-large Tommy Koh, center looks on, as the International Court of Justice issued the court's ruling on a dispute between Singapore and Malaysia over the ownership of a group of tiny islands at the entrance to the Straits of Singapore, a landmark for hundreds of ships that pass through one of the world's busiest waterways.

Pertikaian mengenai status Pulau Batu Putih yang berlarutan selama 28 tahun akhirnya diputuskan hari ini oleh Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa (ICJ) di sini dengan menyerahkan kedaulatan pulau tersebut kepada Singapura.

Dalam penghakiman kira-kira sejam 45 minit itu, ICJ turut memutuskan bahawa Middle Rocks yang terletak kira-kira 0.5 batu nautika di selatan Pulau Batu Putih menjadi milik Malaysia manakala status satu lagi bentuk maritim iaitu South Ledge akan menjadi milik negara di perairan mana pulau itu terletak.

Pemangku Presiden ICJ, Hakim Awn Shawkat Al-Khasawneh ketika membaca keputusan kes tuntutan bertindih itu berkata, status mengenai kedaulatan ke atas Pulau Batu Putih diputuskan oleh majoriti 12-4 hakim, manakala majoriti 15-1 hakim pula bersetuju berhubung kedudukan Middle Rocks dan South Ledge.

Stress? Jangan Tertekan...

Kekadang kita akan rasa tertekan bila menghadapi situasi yang kita tidak bersedia menghadapinya. Sebagai penganut Islam, kita digesa agar mengambil wuduk dan solat serta membaca ayat-ayat al-Quran jika kita dalam tekanan. Itu sebaiknya sebab itu adalah makanan rohani kita dan perkaitannya dengan diri kita amat rapat sekali. Namun, sebagai usaha berterusan daripada kita, here are 26 tips ; pick the ones that work for you:

  1. Take a deep breath.
  2. Do nothing for 5 minutes.
  3. Take a nap.
  4. Take a shower.
  5. Listen to comforting music.
  6. Listen to natural sounds.
  7. Play music.
  8. Share to a positive friend.
  9. Meditate.
  10. Ask “What’s the next action?” and focus on only that one thing.
  11. Go to nature (mountain, beach, etc.).
  12. Ride a bike.
  13. Talk about other topics.
  14. Drink a bottle of water.
  15. Play games (just for a while!).
  16. Go eat with someone who is not part of the situation.
  17. Exercise.
  18. Read spiritual texts.
  19. Listen to spiritual audio programs.
  20. Unplug the Internet.
  21. Take a cup of coffee.
  22. Say to yourself, “This situation is not as bad as it looks. Many people have handled situations worse than this successfully.”
  23. Be grateful for what you still have (instead of looking at what you don’t have).
  24. Be grateful for what you can learn from the situation.
  25. Take a walk around a park.
  26. Smile.

10 Perkara Berkaitan Otak Manusia

Our brain is amazing. All scientific and technological achievements of human civilization come from the brain. To better appreciate the magic of the brain, here are top 10 interesting facts about the human brain:

1. Your brain is the most energy-consuming part of your body. The brain represents only 2% of the body weight, but it uses up to 20 percent of the body’s energy production. The energy is used for cell-health maintenance and to fuel electrical impulses that neurons employ to communicate with one another.

2. Your brain contains about 100 billion neurons which is about 16 times the number of people on Earth. Each of them links to as many as 10,000 other neurons. This huge number of connections opens the way to massive parallel processing within the brain.

3. The neocortex (a section of the brain involved with language and consciousness) accounts for about 76% of the mass of the human brain. Human neocortex is much larger than any animals. It gives humans unique mental capacities although its brain architecture is similar to that of more primitive species.

4. Humans do not use only 10% or less of their brain. This is a common misconception. Even though many mysteries of brain function persist, every part of the brain has a known function.

5. Neurons multiply at a rate 250,000 neurons per minute during early pregnancy.

6. 750ml of blood pumps through your brain every minute which is 15-20% of blood flow from the heart.

7. The human brain is about 75% water.

8. Your brain consumes 25 watts of power while you’re awake. This amount of energy is enough to illuminate a lightbulb.

9. It is estimated that the human brain has a raw computational power between 1013 and 1016 operations per second. It is far more that 1 million times the number of people on Earth.

10. Our brain often fools us. It often perceives things differently from the reality. For instance, check the following picture. Square A and B are actually the same shade of gray.

Indiana Jones? Bolehlah...

Semalam bertempat di Times Square, sekali lagi saya pergi menonton wayang. Kali ini cerita Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Beberapa faktor yang mendorong saya untuk menonton cerita ini kali ini walau tak pernah menonton cerita yang selainnya di panggung wayang. Antara daya penarik saya menonton kali ini ialah sebab pengarahnya ialah Steven Spielberg.

Tak pasti saya sebelum ini dia juga yang mengarah Indiana Jones sebelum ini. Yang jelas sebelum ini saya hanya menonton di televisyen. Berbalik kepada cerita yang saya tonton semalam, antara mesej yang boleh saya kongsi bersama ialah jangan terlalu percayakan kawan. Sama seperti cerita Iron Man yang saya tengok sebelum ini, kawan makan kawan. Jika nak tahu keseluruhannya cerita itu tengoklah sendiri. Pelakon utama ialah : Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Shia LaBeouf, Cate Blanchett, Ray Winstone, John Hurt

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Waspada Menyewa Rumah Di KL

Jika anda bercadang untuk mencari rumah sewa di ibu negara, berhati-hatilah kerana anda mungkin akan menjadi mangsa penipuan individu yang mendakwa memiliki rumah untuk ditawarkan.

Modus operandinya mudah iaitu dengan menampalkan nombor telefon mencari penyewa rumah di mana-mana lokasi dan menunggu pemanggilnya.

Rahsia itu terbongkar pada 27 April lalu apabila sebuah rumah flat di Taman Melati di sini menjadi rebutan beberapa individu yang mendakwa telah membayar deposit untuk memasuki rumah tersebut.

Seorang mangsa yang mahu dikenali sebagai Tasya, 24, berkata, dia yang mahu berpindah masuk pada sebelah malam, 27 April lalu terkejut apabila mendapati rumah itu telah didiami orang lain.

"Saya telah membayar lebih RM1,000 selepas menghubungi seorang lelaki yang meletakkan iklan mahu menyewa rumah di sebuah pondok telefon awam di kawasan itu," katanya.

Tips Kurus Badan

Semua orang mahukan bentuk badan yang menarik. Tapi tidak semua yang mampu memilikinya. Teringat perpatah lama yang berbunyi, jika hendak seribu daya, jika tak nak seribu dalih. Buat keputusan sendiri.

Want to lose weight fast? It's easy to say goodbye to 10 pounds of unwanted fat with these easy diet tips. Just pay attention to what you eat and be sure to have good tasting, fresh and healthy food including snacks, fill up on vegetables and keep your taste buds happy with fruit.

No need to make sacrifices! Just follow these simple guidelines to lose your first 10 pounds, last 10 pounds or give your weight loss program a boost when it seems to have stuttered to a halt. This is a balanced and flexible plan that you can use for as long as you want.

1. Keep a note of everything that you eat and drink. You do not need to estimate calories. Just write down what it was that you had and the approximate quantity. You will find that being more aware of what you are eating helps you to plan healthy meals and snacks.

2. Halve your intake of all pure or added fats. This means using half as much butter or spread on your bread, toast, muffins and potatoes; half the usual amount of mayonnaise or sauce on your salad; and half the oil in the frypan every time.

3. Limit treats containing sugar to three times per week. This includes chocolate, ice cream, desserts, cake, pastries, cookies, etc.

4. Include a lower fat source of protein at most meals: chicken, fish, beans, cottage cheese, or low fat yogurt. Have eggs, nuts and red meat occasionally but not every day.

5. Plan at least one lunch and dinner every week without meat or cheese. Build those meals around whole grains, vegetables and beans to increase fiber and reduce fat.

6. Reduce the fat content in your milk products. If you are currently drinking whole milk, reduce to 2% fat. From 2% reduce to 1%. Choose lower fat cheese and yogurt. When you buy yogurt, also check that it does not contain sugar.

7. Have at least two servings of fruit every day. This can be for dessert or snacks. Choose fruit that is in season.

8. Drink water instead of sodas, juices, milky drinks or alcohol. Avoid diet soda - the sweet taste only encourages you to crave sugar. Hot water with a slice of lemon can be very refreshing in the morning.

9. Include at least two servings of vegetables at lunch and dinner. If you are getting hungry, have more.

10. Eat slowly. The body is slow to register when you are full and it is easy to eat too much if you are racing through your meals.

11. Grated carrot makes a great snack. You will find that a grated carrot is much more filling than a whole carrot. Strange but true.

12. Use whole grains wherever possible. The fiber will give you a fuller feeling and also help your digestion.

13. Choose food that you can chew. Again this will increase your fiber intake, and the act of chewing will make you feel more satisfied too. This means eating fruit instead of drinking juice. If you have soup, make sure it is chunky.

14. Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time. Plan your shopping too - make a list of what you need and stick to it. If you just grab something when you are feeling hungry, you will probably choose high calorie food.

15. Always switch off the TV when you eat. That includes snacks as well as meals. Studies have proved that we eat larger portions in front of the TV, probably because we are much less aware of what we are eating. When you eat, only eat if you want to lose weight fast.

Dimanakah kanak-Kanak Hilang?

Sebanyak 242 kes kanak-kanak hilang dilaporkan dalam tempoh tiga bulan pertama tahun ini dan hanya 114 kanak-kanak berjaya ditemui semula, kata menteri pembangunan wanita, keluarga dan masyarakat. Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen berkata, 1,168 kes budak hilang dilaporkan tahun lepas, manakala 1,478 kes pula pada 2006. Bercakap ketika merasmikan Bengkel Dasar Perlindungan Kanak-Kanak dan Pelan Tindakan Perlindungan Kanak-Kanak, beliau berkata statistik selama dua tahun itu menunjukkan 21 peratus penurunan jumlah kes. Yen Yen menambah, secara purata 3.5 kes kanak-kanak hilang dilaporkan sehari dan hampir 80 peratus kes tersebut membabitkan kanak-kanak perempuan.

Iron Man Best Tapi...

Semalam bertempat di Times Square saya pergi menonton wayang bertajuk Iron Man. Secara keseluruhannya cerita ini ok lah, cuma penghabisannya yang tidak kemas membuat saya tak tahu pun bahawa cerita tersebut sudah habis sebenarnya.

Antara mesej utama yang boleh diambil pengajaran berdasarkan cerita tersebut ialah berhati-hatilah jangan sampai kawan makan kawan. Selebihnya kalau nak tahu tengoklah sendiri di panggung wayang di seluruh dunia...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oliver Kahn Dalam Ingatan

Detik-detik terakhir seorang penjaga gol. Mungkin ramai yangg mengenali Oliver Kahn, penjaga gol "berwajah" Jerman. Gambar ini ketika persembahan terakhir beliau di arena bola sepak antarabangsa during a farewell ceremony prior the last German soccer Bundesliga season match between FC Bayern Munich and Hertha BSC Berlin in the arena in Munich, southern Germany, on Saturday, May 17, 2008.

Wang Plastik Memudahkan Muflis

6 Ribu orang pemegang kad kredit diistiharkan muflis dalam tempoh empat tahun yang lalu, dengan tunggakan hutang berjumlah RM2.5 bilion, kata Menteri Kewangan Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop.

"Unpaid debts not more than three months old amount to RM2bil while unpaid debts exceeding three months which has been classifed as non-performing loans amount to RM500mil." Nor Mohamed said according to statistics from July to December last year, 30% of card holders settled what was owed in full while 60% of what was spent every month is paid up in full the following month."Almost half of all card holders pay at least the minimum amount on time," he said.Nor Mohamed added that of the 5,566,871 applications received by credit card institutes last year, only 2,764,085 or 49.7%, were approved.

Beras oh Rice...

Penduduk luar bandar seringkali menjadi mangsa setiap kali berlaku kenaikan harga, dan ini adalah bukti yang paling ketara. Mungkin tidak ramai yang mengetahui sebungkus mi maggie di luar bandar khususnya di Sarawak lebih mahal berbanding di dalam bandar.

The price of local rice in some rural villages in Sarawak has shot up by as much as RM1.50 per kg - three times the hike as compared to urban areas.

Although Bernas increased the price of rice by only 50 cents per kg, rice is being sold at RM 1.50 per kg in rural areas like Marudi, about 200km from here. Rural folk, most of whom are low-income earners lodged complaints with Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) about the unreasonable increase. SAM's field officer for Sarawak, Jok Jau Evong, said these have to fork out between RM1 to RM1.50 more for one kg of local rice. Jok said some traders in remote towns and villages were even selling rice at RM3.50 per kg now, compared to the previous price of RM2 per kg.

Baju Sekolah Seksi?

Sejak dahulu lagi pakaian sekolah di Malaysia bewarna putih. Sebenarnya pakaian putih menandakan bersih, cuma sekarang terdapat banyak jenis kain. Yang nipis pun ada dan yang tebal pun ada. Justeru berlakulah hal seperti ini...

Kementerian Pelajaran dicadangkan menukar pakaian seragam pelajar perempuan bagi menangani jenayah seksual melibatkan remaja dan hubungan seks sebelum perkahwinan dalam kalangan mereka. Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM) berkata, kementerian boleh menukar baju putih kepada baju berwarna kerana ia tampak sesuai dan tidak jarang untuk dipakai oleh pelajar perempuan.

"Baju berwarna putih sangat jarang untuk dipakai oleh pelajar perempuan menyebabkan ada daya tarikan di situ," kata pemimpin wanita PKPIM, Munirah Bahari hari ini. "Lebih-lebih lagi ia (baju jarang) akan mengganggu mata lelaki, sama ada suka melihatnya atau pun tidak. Baju berwarna putih itu tidak sesuai dipakai oleh pelajar perempuan di sekolah kerajaan. "Di sinilah punca yang boleh kita saksikan bahawa pelajar perempuan itu sendiri mempunyai daya tarikan supaya lelaki mendekatinya. "Oleh itu terjadilah perkara-perkara seperti pencabulan, penzinaan dan sebagainya."

Monday, May 19, 2008

My Dreams

There are a lot of people selling short dreams, small dreams. Today, we have to recover the ability to dream greater things. We need dreams that cannot be sold. Dreams that can say, "Maybe there is something that I can contribute, something for me to do." And the needs of the world are so big in any field, for spirituality, for human life, for justice, for sharing, for new communities, for a new sense of dignity, participation. We should bring our dreams there to that reality. What can I contribute to this world?

With those words of Adolfo Nicholas S.J. the contemporary situation begins to take shape. The situation that shows clearly that we have the power for change, and that clearly our change can and will affect so many people. This power, however, often is sold to the highest bidder, and instead of changing the world for the better we exchange our freedom for shackles and chains.

This blog is both the frame and the medium that examines the power to change and the power to be changed, the realization of who I am, and whose I am.

Scout Matang Jaya

Senyum scout! Zikri, control handsome hehehe...Makcik kirim salam dan rindu...

Jambori Antarabangsa Johor

Jambori Antarabangsa Johor Ke-24 akan diadakan pada 18 hingga 23 Ogos 2008 bertempat di Kem Jubli Intan Tanjung Laboh, Batu Pahat. “Persaudaraan Pengakap”. So, Zikri how?

Murtabak Raja

Eeem...sedapnya. Perut lapar begini sememangnya elok jika makan murtabak daging. Tapi di Kelantan ada murtabak yang istimewa yang diberi nama murtabak raja.

It was her grandmother who first came up with the idea of making "Murtabak Raja" (royal murtabak) — a special deluxe version of murtabak to serve the Kelantan royalty back in the 1950s.But as word of the delicious royal dish spread, their friends and neighbours also clamoured for a taste and today, Nik Faizah Nik Abdul Rahman and family continue the tradition by making the three-layered square-shaped version of roti canai with spiced meat filling, for both royals and commoners alike.

Nik Faizah Nik Abdul Rahman (right) preparing the 'Murtabak Raja' with her worker. The special dish is a favourite of the Kelantan royalty and specially made for them. Now, it is available for both royals and commoners alike.

Besides her, two other uncles and aunts are also involved in making "Murtabak Raja".

The dish is made either with beef or chicken and is eaten with a sweet pickled onion.

At RM11 per piece, the price may be higher than the normal version but it is filling enough to feed five or six people. Nik Faizah, who has been helping her grandmother and mother with the business from the age of eight, said the process is tedious but worth it.

"We have to make and cook the two layers filled with meat and onion filling separately before combining it with egg filling in the middle." Back then, her family mainly served it for the Kelantan royal family as it was expensive to make and the preparation was done by hand.

"I am thankful for the royal stamp of approval as it helped popularise the murtabak. When the customers knew about it, they started asking us to sell it to them too. Even the name was coined by the customers who kept referring to it as 'Murtabak Raja'."

Mana Kepalanya?

Bila akal tidak dapat dikawal, maka amarah menguasai diri lantas menyebabkan berlakunya pembunuhan yang kejam. Mayat seorang perempuan ditemui tanpa tangan dan kaki serta kepala. Terdahulu, bahagian kaki yang ditemui. Alangkah kejamnya manusia...

First it was the discovery of a leg cut off at the knee on Sunday and on Monday it was a headless torso of a woman. Police here now fear that they may be on the hunt for more body parts.

The torso was discovered near a monsoon drain in Sunway Mentari along the Federal Highway.

It was found by a motorcyclist who stopped to rest at the motorcycle lane leading towards Subang Jaya at 2.40pm on Monday.Police are now trying to determine if the torso and the right leg discovered in Salak South on Sunday belonged to the same person. OCPD Asst Comm Arjunaidi Mohd said police found several shirts, skirt and blouse piled on top of the torso believed to have been dumped there less than 24 hours ago.

“We believe the victim, aged between 20 and 30, was murdered elsewhere and dumped in the bushes near the monsoon drain. The victim is yet to be identified as no personal documents were found. “The head, arms and legs was cleanly cut off and there is no other injury mark on the body,” he said, adding that the remains have been sent to Kuala Lumpur Hospital for a DNA test.

ACP Arjunaidi said police also waiting for the medical test results to establish if the victim was raped. The right leg was found in a rubbish bin in Taman Salak South by Alam Flora workers as they were emptying rubbish from a dustbin at a shoplot area.

Man Threatens Reporters At Press Conference

Bila niat baik disangka buruk, maka tejadilah perkara yang tidak seharusnya terjadi. Kisah di Chow Kit ini menunjukkan kepada kita bahawa pendatang tanpa izin memang sentiasa ketakutan. CUmanya, penguatkuasaan kita yang sentiasa kurang.

A routine press conference took a bizarre turn when a man threatened reporters with a knife concealed in his bag.

He warned pressmen, who were waiting for Deputy Federal Territories Minister Datuk M. Saravanan at a coffeeshop in the Chow Kit market here, not to report on or take pictures of Chow Kit. It was believed that the unidentified 42-year-old man was drunk. He did not put up any resistance when arrested by police and sent to the Dang Wangi station.

Saravanan had missed the excitement because he had been making his rounds at the market accompanied by members of the Chow Kit Small Traders and Hawkers Association and Alam Flora, as well as Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) officers.

With clogged drains, pools of stagnant water, overflowing rubbish bins and illegal fencing around the area, the backalleys of Chow Kit market have become a breeding ground for both drug addicts and insects, critics say. Streetlights should be placed in the alleys and the illegal fencing torn down, said Saravanan. He referred the clogged drains and piles of rubbish to Alam Flora officers and urged them to take action. He urged hawkers to clear up the blocked areas so that Alam Flora could carry out its duties.

Riwayat Politik Mahathir

TUN Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dilantik sebagai Perdana Menteri yang keempat pada 1981 dan memimpin Malaysia sehingga Oktober 2003, menjadikan beliau adalah orang paling lama menjawat jawatan tersebut.

Pada Pilihan Raya Ketiga dalam tahun 1964, Dr. Mahathir, seorang doktor perubatan, dipilih sebagai Ahli Parlimen Kota Setar selepas menewaskan calon Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (Pas) dengan majoriti sebanyak 60.2%.

Beliau menjadi ahli Majlis Tertinggi (MT) Umno pada tahun 1965. Dalam Pilihan Raya 1969, beliau ditewaskan oleh calon Pas, Haji Yusoff Rawa, dengan perbezaan 989 undi, selepas mengumumkan bahawa beliau tidak memerlukan undi-undi orang Cina untuk mencapai kerusinya.

Berikutan peristiwa 13 Mei 1969, Dr. Mahathir dipecat daripada Umno pada tahun 1969 selepas pengedaran umum surat terbuka beliau kepada Tunku Abdul Rahman (Perdana Menteri pertama Malaysia).

Bagaimanapun beliau diterima kembali menjadi ahli Umno pada 7 Mac 1972.
Beliau dilantik sebagai Perdana Menteri menggantikan Tun Hussein Onn pada Jun 1981. Kemudian sebagai Presiden Umno sehingga beliau bersara.

Pada tahun 1987, Dr. Mahathir menghadapi cabaran sengit dalam pemilihan parti tetapi berjaya menewaskan Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah yang berganding dengan Tun Musa Hitam (bertanding jawatan Timbalan Presiden). Susulan pemilihan itu, kes tersebut dibawa ke mahkamah dan Umno diharamkan pada tahun 1988. Umno Baru ditubuhkan susulan itu.

Tun Musa meletakkan jawatan sebagai Timbalan Dr. Mahathir pada tahun 1986. Kedudukannya digantikan oleh Tun Ghafar Baba yang ditewaskan oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada tahun 1993. Anwar dipecat pada tahun 1998. Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dilantik sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada 1999.

Pada 31 Oktober, 2003, Dr. Mahathir mengumumkan untuk meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri dan semua jawatannya dalam Umno serta menamakan timbalannya ketika itu, Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi sebagai pengganti.

Setahun selepas melepaskan jawatan, Dr. Mahathir mengecam kepimpinan Abdullah sehingga membawa kepada pertemuan bersemuka tertutup. Dr. Mahathir lantang bersuara, mengecam Abdullah sehingga 17 Mei lalu ketika pertemuan di Johor Bharu.

Tun Mahathir Keluar UMNO

Akhirnya, bekas Perdana Menteri Malasia, Tun Dr Mahathir Muhamad keluar dari parti yang beliau sayangi iaitu UMNO. Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad announced Monday at 12.35pm that he is quitting Umno. He said this during a talk here on Monday.

Dr Mahathir joined Umno at its inception in 1946. He became a Member of Parliament in 1964 when he won the Kota Setar Selatan seat.He lost the seat in the following general election in 1969. Following the May 13, 1969, riots Dr Mahathir was sacked from the Umno Supreme Council on July 12 because of the widespread distribution of his letter to first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman criticising Tunku’s manner of handling the country’s administration.
Dr Mahathir rejoined Umno on March 7, 1972 and was appointed Senator in 1973. He relinquished the senatorship post a year later to contest the Kubang Pasu seat in the general elections. He was returned unopposed and was appointed Minister of Education.
In 1975, Dr Mahathir became one of the three vice-presidents of Umno.
Tun Hussein Onn appointed Dr Mahathir Deputy Prime Minister on Sept 15, 1978.
Dr Mahathir was Prime Minister of Malaysia from July 16, 1981, until Oct 31, 2003.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Syiling Tahun 2007 Dikehendaki

Duit syiling Malaysia 2007 amat bermakna kepada saya sebab ada sesutu berkaitannya yang menjadi cerita peribadi saya. Justeru jika ada pembaca yang mempunyai duit syiling Malaysia tertera tahun 2007, silalah hubungi saya untuk ditukarkan.

Bowling Times Square

Petang tadi saya bermain bowling dengan geng-geng sekerja di Times Square. Dapat tempat ke-4 pun kira ok lah. Yang penting dapat bermain dan tengok gelagat semua bermain bowling. Dibawah ini sdikit panduan bermain bowling. Manalah tahu selepas ni nak bermain lagi...

Obviously, any bowling rules will be relevant and important, but keeping score? You have to learn all of the bowling rules there are, but before I tried my first game my father showed me how. You will learn many bowling rules as you continue bowling—from your very first day!

· Bowling Scores:

There are 10 “frames”, (i.e. turns you get) in a bowling game. A score of about 120 in the 9th frame the absolute most points this person could get would add up to 150—however, the player would have to roll three strikes in a row when he or she plays the 10th frame, if this happens the player continues rolling the ball—achieving 30 pins for each strike he or she makes. The basic notion of this bowling rule is also recognized by other players, but by adding only 10-pins to the score.

· Bowling rules for bowling attire:

a) There really is one essential kind of bowling attire is that the players wear bowling shoes when they play. This is why having the appropriate shoes is up on the top of the list of bowling rules. When someone does not follow basic bowling rules and wears their street shoes on the floor. If a ball drops on his or her foot, well it is likely that he or she will never make that mistake again. Seriously, a heavy bowling ball can fracture your toes—and sometimes people drop things.

· Another one of the most important bowling rules is to use the proper technique for bowling.

a) Bowling rules about technique:

Primarily there are a couple of simple, physical moves that will improve your bowling skills. They are different depending on whether the person is right-handed or left-handed—but quite basically the same bowling rules of posture, pressure and release.

b) Bowling rules about mental preparation:

Perhaps it sounds pretty ridiculous, but concentration on your bowling can really help when you are trying to get that high score. Re-think the physical bowling rules, and then envision your ball rolling down the lane towards a perfect strike.

Jom Makan Epal

Merayau di Pasar Malam di jalan TAR, dan terdetik nak membeli buah epal. Diharap sedikit maklumat ini dapat memberi motivasi kepada kita untuk makan buah epal, hehehehe...
1. Apple contains Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps greatly your immune system. A lot of people who lack Vitamin C in their diet have poor healing, bruise easily and have bleeding gums.

2. Prevent Heart Diseases. The reason it can prevent both coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease is because apples are rich in flavonoid. Flavonoids are also known for their antioxidant effects.

3. Low in calories. A regular size apple has between 70-100 calories. Eating an apple when craving for candy or chocolate can make the desire disappear since apple in itself contains sugar, but gives you only ¼ of the calories.

4. Prevent Cancers. Notice the plural. We all know that cancer comes in several forms and in different places. Apples target multiple cancers such as colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer in women.

5. Apples contain phenols, which have a double effect on cholesterol. It reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. They prevent LDL cholesterol from turning into oxidized LDL, a very dangerous form of bad cholesterol which can be deadly.

6. Prevent tooth decay. Tooth decay is an infection that seriously damages the structure of your teeth, which is caused primarily because of bacteria. The juice of the apples has properties that can kill up to 80% of bacteria. So there you have it, an apple a day also keeps the dentist away!

7. Protects your brain from brain disease. This is something many people don’t know, and when you consider that your brain makes the person you are, it gives a whole new perspective. Apple has substances called phytonutrients, and these phytonutrients prevents neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinsonism.

8. Healthier Lungs. A research at the University of Nottingham Research shows that people who eat 5 apples or more per week has lower respiratory problems, including asthma.

9. They taste great! And not only that, they also come in many flavors and colors. Not in a mood for a green apple? Why not get a red one, or a macintosh! Their taste can vary greatly, but still give you all the apple benefits. Variety is an important element to maintaining your health.

On average, Americans consume around 20 pounds of apples a year, which comes to around 1 apple a week. Unfortunately, while an apple a week is better than nothing, it is nowhere close to being able to extract all the advantages apples have to offer. Eating apples is part of balanced and healthy diet than will increase your longevity, so why limit yourself to only 1 per week?

Let's eat apple !!! xD

Tips Poligami

Heboh satu Malaysia apabila Mohamed Nor Awang, 57 tahun, mendapat sokongan padu tiga orang isterinya yang juga duduk serumah, memberi izin kepada beliau untuk berkahwin bagi kali yang ke-4. Malah Hakim Mahkamah Syariah di Kuala Terengganu berkata inilah kes pertama yang berlaku di Malaysia.

“Saya tiada sebarang resipi, apatah lagi mengamalkan ilmu tertentu untuk berpoligami. Segala yang berlaku tidak pernah saya rancang dan menganggapnya sebagai kebetulan dan ketentuan Allah S.W.T,” kata Mohamed Nor Awang, pemandu lori yang mempunyai tiga isteri yang di petik oleh Harian Metro.

“Pada setiap malam Jumaat atau masa kelapangan, kami suami isteri dan anak-beranak akan membaca Yasin secara berjemaah. Biasanya di rumah isteri pertama selain mengajar sendiri anak membaca al-Quran sebelum makan malam bersama selepas menunaikan solat Isyak,” katanya.

Diakhir perbualannya beliau berharap pihak tertentu tidak menjadikan isu poligaminya itu sebagai bahan perbualan kerana perkara biasa yang tidak perlu digembar-gemburkan.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Adakah Pak Lah akan bertahan?

Imbas kembali, New Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi smiles at the start of his work at office in Putrajaya, on Monday, Nov. 3, 2003. Abdullah succeeded his former boss, Mahathir Mohamad, Friday as the country's fifth prime minister.

Rabu Yang Misteri

Menurut Agenda Daily, seramai 17 Ahli parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) dikatakan hampir pasti akan menyertai pakatan pembangkang, Rabu ini.

Menurut sumber yang rapat dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang layak dipercayai, perkara itu bukan lagi perang saraf Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat itu sebaliknya satu perkara akan menjadi kenyataan. Malah menurut sumber itu, seorang ahli perniagaan dari Kuala Lumpur yang bergelar Tan Sri dikatakan terlibat di dalam urusan antara Anwar dan para Ahli Parlimen yang berkenaan. Sumber itu berkata majoriti daripada 17 Ahli Parlimen BN yang akan menyertai pakatan pembangkang adalah dari Sabah. Selain itu beberapa orang antaranya adalah dari semenanjung.

Sebelum ini beberapa maklumat yang diperolehi mengatakan Anwar telah mengadakan pertemuan dengan beberapa Ahli Parlimen BN termasuk seorang Presiden sebuah parti komponen BN Sabah semasa berada di Hong Kong baru-baru ini. Anwar juga sebelum ini dilaporkan memberikan bayangan bahawa pakatan pembangkang akan membentuk kerajaan yang baru paling lewat 16 September depan bersempena dengan hari penubuhan Malaysia. Anwar sejak pilihan raya umum lalu telah beberapa kali mengeluarkan kenyataan berhubung adanya Ahli parlimen BN yang telah menyatakan kesediaan mereka untuk menyertai beliau membentuk kerajaan baru.

Dakwaan yang dibuatnya itu menjadi bualan yang akhirnya mula dikhuatiri akan menjadi kenyataan ekoran prestasi BN yang buruk selepas pilihan raya umum ke-12 yang menyaksikan BN kehilangan majoriti dua pertiga.

Adakah khabar ini benar atau sekadar strategi politik, sama-sama kita tunggu dan lihat. Yang jelas semua pihak ada perancangan masing-masing.

Akibat Menjilat...

Did a woman have live cockroaches crawl out of her tongue as a result of cutting her tongue while licking an envelope?Yes, she did - as you can see - yuck...never gone lick those envelopes again i tell you. A woman was working in a post office in California.
One day she licked the envelopes and postage stamps instead of using a sponge. That very day the lady found a cut on her tongue. A week later, she noticed an abnormal swelling of her tongue. She went to the doctor, and they found nothing wrong. Her tongue was not sore or anything. A couple of days later, her tongue started to swell more, and it began to get really sore, so sore, that she could not eat. She went back to the hospital, and demanded something be done. The doctor took an x-ray of her tongue and noticed a lump. He prepared her for minor surgery. When the doctor cut her tongue open, a live cockroach crawled out!!!!
There were cockroach eggs on the seal of the envelope. The egg was able to hatch inside of her tongue, because of her saliva. It was warm and moist...
This is a true story reported on CNN

Andy Hume wrote:
Hey, I used to work in an envelope factory. You wouldn't believe the....things that float around in those gum applicator trays. I haven't licked an envelope for years!' I used to work for a print shop (32 years ago) and we were told NEVER to lick the envelopes. I never understood why until I had to go into storage and pull out 2500 envelopes that were already printed and saw several squads of cockroaches roaming around inside a couple
of boxes with eggs everywhere. They eat the glue on the envelopes.

Jangan budayakan diri bertindak menggunakan lidah untuk membasahkan setem dan sampul surat...

Permit Teksi Individu

Kerajaan sedang mengkaji mengeluarkan semula permit individu selepas muncul masalah akibat pemberian lesen kepada syarikat, kata menteri pembangunan usahawan dan koperasi Datuk Noh Omar. Beliau berkata pemberian lesen kepada pemandu individu membolehkan perkhidmatan teksi di negara ini diperbaiki. "Kita sedar ada pelbagai masalah timbul apabila lesen teksi diberikan kepada syarikat termasuk isu kos sewa dan sewa beli teksi yang tinggi, pendapatan pemandu tidak setimpal, kebajikan pemandu tidak dijaga dan masalah (pemandu) tidak guna meter dan tidak mahu ambil penumpang," katanya di Dewan Rakyat hari ini. Permohonan lesen teksi bagi syarikat dan individu telah dibekukan sejak 10 September 2004.

Thousands of naked people pose at Vienna's Ernst-Happel Stadium

Thousands of naked people pose at Vienna's Ernst-Happel stadium during a massive naked photo session with U.S. photographer Spencer Tunick, on Sunday, May 11, 2008. The Ernst-Happel stadium is the venue of the final of the Euro 2008 soccer championships.

Tak tahu nak komen apa-apa apabila manusia sudah hilang nilai sampai sanggup berbuat begini. Pada 6 May 2007 di Mexico City, Spencer telah pecah rekod dunia apabila berjaya mengumpul sebanyak 18 ribu orang berbogel untuk satu sesi foto di bandar tersebut.

Perkahwinan Anak Bush

The daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, Jenna, poses with her new husband Henry Hager, following their marriage at the Bush family's Prairie Chapel Ranch in Crawford, Texas, Saturday, May 10, 2008.


Jenna Welch Bush: November 25, 1981 in Midland, Texas.

Henry Hager: Abt. 1978. Henry's family is from Virginia.

How Henry and Jenna Met:

Jenna reportedly met Henry during her father's re-election campaign. Henry and Jenna dated for several years before they became engaged on August 15, 2007 in Maine.

Jenna: "It's supposedly where the sun first hits the United States ... I did not want to go hiking at 4 in the morning ... It was freezing. But we got up, and we hiked in the dark for an hour and a half, and then when we got towards the top, with the sunrise, he asked me."
Source: "Jenna Bush: Marriage proposal came at sunrise",, 9/27/2007.Jenna and Henry were married May 10, 2008 at the 1,600-acre family ranch, Prairie Chapel Ranch, in Crawford, Texas.

On 5/9/08 a bridal luncheon was held in Salado, Texas at the Inn on the Creek followed later by a rehearsal dinner hosted by Henry's parents. The dinner for 100 was held at the Old Salado Springs Celebration Center in Salado.

A beige-colored limestone altar from the local quarry was designed for the wedding.

The officiant at the lakeside evening ceremony was Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell of Houston's Windsor Village United Methodist Church.

About 200 guests were invited to the private wedding.

Jenna's ring is from Henry's maternal great grandmother. It has a round diamond that is flanked by sapphires. Jenna's sheer organza wedding dress, embroidered with matte beading, was designed by Oscar de la Renta.

John wore a dark blue suit and powder-blue tie.

Jenna's father, President George Bush, escorted Jenna down the aisle.

Jenna's twin sister Barbara was the maid of honor and Henry's brother John "Jack" Hager was the best man. Barbara wore a long moonstone blue dress with a silver sash and low-cut back.

The bride's mother, First Lady Laura Bush wore a deep turquoise colored dress.

Jenna and Henry asked designer, Lela Rose to create the knee-length dresses for Jenna's 14 attendants. The colors were chosen to "mirror the "very natural" colors of the central Texas landscape: the blues of the lake where Bush fishes for bass, the greens of Mrs. Bush's prized buffalo grass (native grass that she restored to the property) and the lavendar, yellow and blue of the wildflowers."
Source: Source: Sandra Sobieraj Westfall and Anne Lang, "Jenna Bush & Henry Hager Wed in Texas",, 5/10/08.

More information about the wedding attire.

The reception dinner and dancing were held in a tent erected for the occasion. The Father-daughter dance was to "You Are So Beautiful" and Jenna and Henry chose "Loving' in My Baby's Eyes" for their first dance. Music was provided by Tyrone Smith aka Super T.


Henry and Jenna purchased a townhome in Baltimore, Maryland.


Jenna: School teacher and author. Henry: Henry is a former aide to Karl Rove and worked on Bush's re-election campaign. Currently attending the University of Virginia for a master's degree in business administration, Henry comes from a political family. "His father is chairman of the Republican Party in Virginia, former assistant secretary of the Education Department’s office of special education, former lieutenant governor of Virginia and former director of Virginia’s Office of Commonwealth Preparedness."

The engagement of Henry Hager and Jenna Bush was announced by the White House on August 16, 2007.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wajah Penuh Kasih

aku melihat catatan batin
dari sinar matamu
lalu menjalarlah gerak rasa
yang peribadi sifatnya
ke batinku.

bening senyum lembutmu
meraih mimpi realitiku
lalu tertegun aku
menikmati cinta kasih syahdu-nya.

22 Syaaban 1414
Petra Jaya.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Islam Murtad : Muslim convert can return to Buddhism

KUALA LUMPUR, 8 May, Malaysia - A Malaysian Islamic court allowed a Muslim convert Thursday to return to her original faith of Buddhism, setting a precedent that could ease religious minorities' worries about their legal rights.

Lawyers said the Shariah High Court's verdict in the northern state of Penang was the first time in recent memory that a convert has been permitted to legally renounce Islam in this Muslim-majority nation.

A rising number of disputes about religious conversions has sparked anxiety among minorities — predominantly Buddhist, Christian and Hindu — because in the past courts virtually always ruled against people seeking to leave Islam.

Penang's Shariah court, however, granted Siti Fatimah Tan Abdullah's request to be declared a non-Muslim. She embraced Islam in 1998 because she wanted to marry an Iranian, but claimed she never truly practiced the religion.

"I am very happy," Siti, a 39-year-old ethnic Chinese cake seller, told The Associated Press by telephone. "I want to go to the temple to pray and give thanks."

The Shariah court, which governs Muslims' personal conduct and religious lives, ruled that Siti's husband and Islamic authorities failed to give her proper religious advice.

"So you can't blame her for her ignorance of the teachings and wanting to convert out," said Ahmad Munawir Abdul Aziz, a lawyer for the Islamic Affairs Council in Penang.

Siti must still ask the government registration department to have her name and religion changed back on her identification papers. She was not expected to face any problems, because the court ruled in her favor.

"It's a landmark decision," said Siti's lawyer, Ahmad Jailani Abdul Ghani. "This is the first time in Malaysia" in recent memory that someone has been allowed to convert back, he said.

Siti filed her request in 2006 after her husband left her. She was subsequently ordered to undergo counseling to ensure she truly understood Islam.

Malaysia's most high-profile conversion case was that of Lina Joy, a woman who was born to Muslim parents and failed to get the Federal Court, Malaysia's top civil court, to recognize her conversion to Christianity last year.

Malaysia has a dual court system with civil courts for non-Muslims and Shariah courts for Muslims. In interfaith disputes involving Islam, the Shariah courts typically get the last word, which has upset non-Muslims who fear they cannot get justice in such courts.

Court disputes that ended in favor of Muslims have caused minorities to worry that their rights have become subordinate to those of ethnic Malay Muslims, who make up nearly 60 percent of Malaysia's 27 million people.

Political observers say religious grievances contributed to the governing coalition's poor performance in March elections, in which the coalition lost its two-thirds majority in Parliament.

Biar tuhan sahaja yang menentukan seterusnya...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Best Photo Essay (MPI)

Ini adalah salah satu gambar dalam koleksi photo journalism dari pemenang Best Photo Essay category of the Malaysian Press Institute (MPI) – Petronas Malaysian Press Awards, Azhar Maarof dari surat khabar Star. Photo essay ini menangkap sehari kehidupan Mohamad Haziq 12 tahun, seorang pelajar cacat yang gigih menghadapi kehidupan harian.

Bagi Azhar Maarof kesabaran dan tekun adalah kunci kejayaan nya. Untuk merakam photo essay ini , Azhar mengambil masa dua hari , bercakap dengan bapa Haziq dan Haziq untuk kebenaran merakam dan matlamatnya. Beliau berjaya menghasilkan satu photo essay menarik yang mengerakkan ribuan hati insan.

MAS Vs. AirAsia

AirAsia has countered Malaysia Airline’s Zero Fare campaign claiming that their cheapest air ticket still costs less than the national carrier’s latest product that was launched yesterday.Reacting to the MAS campaign which was launched by its managing director Datuk Seri Idris Jala yesterday, Fernandes said he was “very flattered” by the full-service carrier’s latest initiative because it was a copy of what AirAsia had been doing.

Mudah-mudahan persaingan begini boleh mengurangkan lagi harga tiket kapal terbang...